Thursday, December 15, 2011

Interactive Narratives

While reviewing "Shirtless Others" by Jason Ockert on, I had difficulties understanding how to follow along. I think the general idea of cutting into the shark to show more of the story is a good idea, but after trying to follow along for a while, it didn't come as easy as hoped. The story definitely does a nice job of using sound effects, as I really do feel like one of the people next to the caught shark on the beach with the sound of waves and seagulls. "Several baby sharks spill out onto the pier and gasp. They writhe in the air with unblinking black eyes." That part was unexpected, but a nice spin to the narrative. The next scene turns to black and you can see the baby sharks on the ground next to the blood. Powerful writing here: "I wait to see what the thin woman will do. I am prepared to cry out if she skewers them, protest, maybe point a finger. But she lets them be, dying like they are on the dock." Artistically, I think changing the scene to black and inverting the colors really set the tone for that final line. The blood is accentuated, as is the overall tone of the scene.

For my second review, I was very impressed with "Go a Hippy Tribe" from Not only was it very comprehensive, but the motion background and overall solid design helped make it feel real.

The sound effects were subtle, but it made for a realistic environment. It's actually surprising just how easy the site is to navigate and follow the story. The layout actually gives off a video game-type feel, allowing users to feel their way around the site. Video plays seamlessly, introducing the tribesmen, and although I didn't connect, apparently it's very easy to share the story or parts of the story to Facebook. This was definitely one of the better narratives I've followed along online.

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